Often Europe drove the changes... its cultural dimension is an incubator of them. Now we hope again in this ... to "virus", to "contaminate" the rest of the world.
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
to fight the global "slavery" project
[The Past is the unique Future for the Human Beings]
The Great Dictator Speech + Time from Inception OST (Hans Zimmer)
Spesso l'Europa guido' i cambiamenti. La sua dimensione culturale e' un "incubatore" per loro. Ora speriamo ancora in questo... per contaminare il resto del pianeta.
Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité
per combattere il progetto globale di "schiavitu'"
[Il Passato e' l'unico Futuro per gli Esseri Umani]
Do not be afraid to die. The death exists before of its physical condition.
Non avere paura di morire, la morte esiste prima della sua condizione fisica.
"Soldiers", the People, you are not machines,...
"Soldiers", the People, your "work" is not merchandise...
"Soldiers", your Dignity of Human Being can not be sold, transferred, re-utilized, put in mobbing, retaliated for
The real "nothing" are those that ask you these actions and those that close to you, every day, in ordinary life, at work, seating in front of you, are accomplices of these actions. They are the real "prostitutes", they have sold their Soul for 30 money.
They have sold their Love, their Humanity in face of their Families because they entrust to their children a worst world.
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