domenica 26 agosto 2012

The Journey - The Collective Dimension

The "Journey"

The Journey - The Collective Dimension

Why are you doing this?

I fell just...
I run for 82 years
I am pretty tired...

"The Journey"
The Collective Dimension
The Real World, August 2X, 2012 no time in Zulu

Photo "The Journey":
from Passione Montagna: Alba al Colle del Lys, Dawn on Colle del Lys

Neil Armstrong | 1930-2012
Made ‘Giant Leap’ as First Man to Step on Moon
Published: August 25, 2012
from The New York Time

Artist, video and songs:
Bob Seger - Against the Wind

Content co-creation: Ku : )

mercoledì 15 agosto 2012

Science, Edipo (Oedipus) and the Spartan sacrifice on Thermopylae pass

[start to read this article]
Humanities aren’t a science. Stop treating them like one.

We are not yet able to understand and "set" in our models the complexity of the "qualitative objects" that build, day by day, our "human being experience". And, at the same time, (from article) <<Many researchers fail to consider that their measurements of brains, behavior and self-reported experience are profoundly influenced by their subjects’ culture, class and experience, as well as by the situation in which the research is conducted>>. This is terribly true. So the same “parameters” that we use [we choose] in our models can be totally different, I can say sometimes “personal”, transforming “the level” of “science” : ) that who built the tool believed on it.
<<…The tools of hard science have a part to play, but they are far from the whole story…>>
So <<The tools of mathematical and statistical and scientific analysis are invaluable. But their quantifiable certainty is all too easy to see as the only “real” way of doing things when really, it is but one tool and one approach—and not one that is translatable or applicable to all matters of qualitative phenomena. That’s one basic fact we’d do well not to forget>>.
Thinking on how some “ideas” and their models acted and act on the role that markets (financial markets) have in our connected world, this could be a good element of reflection.
In comments  to the Facebook post of this article in the Scientific American magazine facebook page,  I found this one from Saiid Yari:
<<Science tells you how to clone a dinosaur; humanities tells you why that might be a bad idea>>.
I like to “translate\evolve” this comment in this way:
Science tells you how to clone a dinosaur; “humanities” tells you what advantages and disadvantages could be exist for Humanity or better only “humanities”  will drive you in new “models and analysis” to understand them…
Life is not only an “explanation” [analysis, paradigm] but also a set of “choices” with their different “tones of humanity”

Virtual Arena on “Thermopylae pass” , August 15, 2012 on 09:30 a.m. my time is different
I am a simple “robot” (see my Facebook photo – Atom robot in Real Steel movie).
For this I am so attracted from Human Beings Emotions.

Denali National Park and Preserve

These reflections come from reading:
Humanities aren’t a science. Stop treating them like one.
by Maria Konnikova

Saiid Yari facebook comment on Maria Konnikova article on Scientific American magazine

Photos of Denali National Park and Preserve
from U.S. Department of the Interior and Denali National Park and Preserve

Content Co-creation: Ku : )

The "river" flows in a "shining rainbow"!!!

lunedì 13 agosto 2012

The Knowledge and the Arlecchino reflections

But people that "know", know to be ignorant... usually the real ignorant believe to not to be. So we are in a difficult dilemma with a potential incorrect solution... who really knows?
For this reason the idiots in real world sometimes (you can change the word related to your nature…) prevail
At the same time the human knowledge in the Time is always based on the “illusion to know”…till the latest “discovery”
then what would be the difference?
Maybe to maintain the Doubt…
But, however, the Doubt normally acts on people “that know to be ignorant”, not in the real ignorant : )
So in people that “know to be ignorant”, so they “know”, the illusion of knowledge could act as “short term paradigm”.
Instead in real ignorant the illusion of knowledge always acts or better they do not care about the knowledge… ah ah ah… it is simpler.

The Arlecchino’s reflections

: )


domenica 5 agosto 2012

The Magic Formula: People (Subtitle - Is life really that complex?)

The Magic Formula: People
Subtitle - Is life really that complex?
People were the solution to the rioters. Not police, not the return of the Government from holidays.
With maths you can observe phenomena. But solutions are in People. How to build a society, a community where People have the willing and strength to do it? What are the values of this society and community? And if they are not, what is the meaning? What are explanations? How can you create a “viral effect” more powerful of the rioters one?
How can you abstract these elements?
However an interesting search is… but I guess that the reply to “social emptiness” has to be find in another way… and it has a precise responsibility.
[The World Outside]
<<A hero is only a people starts to design a "wider circle" in his normal and simple life>>
[The World Outside is so close to Inside - Il Mondo Fuori]

La Formula Magica: Le Persone
Sottotitolo - La vita e' davvero cosi' complessa?
Le Persone furono la vera soluzione ai rivoltosi. Non la polizia, non il ritorno del governo dalle vacanze.
Con la matematica possiamo osservare i fenomeni. Ma le soluzioni sono nelle Persone. Come costruire una societa', una comunita' dove le Persone hanno la volonta' e la forza di fare questo? Quali sono i valori di questa societa', di questa comunita'? E se non ci sono, quale e' il significato? Quali sono le spiegazioni? Come creare un "effetto virale" piu' potente di quello dei rivoltosi?
Come puoi "astrarre" questi elementi? Come puoi metterli in un algoritmo?
Comunque la ricerca e' interessante... ma io penso che la risposta al "vuoto sociale" deve essere trovata in una altra via ... ed esso ha una precisa responsabilita'.
[Il Mondo Fuori -The World Outside]
<<Un eroe e' solo una persona che inizia a disegnare un "cerchio piu' grande" nella sua normale e semplice vita>>
[Il Mondo Fuori e' vicino al Mondo Interiore - Il Mondo Fuori]