sabato 14 giugno 2014

Who dreams, never stops - Who’s using your data?

Who’s using your data?

(Left to right) Tim Berners-Lee, Oshani Seneviratne, and Lalana Kagal

: )!!!

martedì 18 marzo 2014

Visionaries, the flowers of Humanity

This is the Power of Visionaries. Some of them are believed foolish. The lucky ones are recognized in their Time. Most of them struggle in their daily life because sometimes they are "believed/perceived" "anti-system" or, simply, "out of the system" or "not aligned". In corrupted nations, organizations they are indicated like a "danger" for their honesty, their genuine approach to life and problems solution, independence of Thought and Speech. But they have the "Keys" of Turnarounds, discontinuity and evolution. Some of them fall down. But the benefits of their "integrity", persistence, consistency are always for All.

Do not cry for them. Instead try to recognize them, to understand them, their little child madness to be over their Ego, over themselves, to be "flowers of Humanity"

Virtual Arena, March 15, 2014 Zulu time

venerdì 8 novembre 2013

A new Value, an Hug

We need to arrive to a society where none can be considered like a "trash"
Human Beings can not be trashed, materials can be
but also for materials we have understood that they could be better recycled to produce a new "value"

["Giving an hand" to find a new Value because in this my Value is]
[The Silent Transformation]

The difference in time is only 9 (a multiple of 3)

Abbiamo bisogno di arrivare ad una società in cui nessuno può essere considerato come "spazzatura"
Gli esseri umani non possono essere "cestinati", i materiali possono esserlo
ma anche per i materiali abbiamo capito che potevano essere meglio riciclati per originare un nuovo "valore"

["Dare una mano" per trovare un nuovo Valore perché in questo il mio Valore è]
[La trasformazione silenziosa]

La differenza di tempo è solo 9 (un multiplo di 3)
liber ..

Co-creation elements:

The Huffington Post

Ku's mind

lunedì 4 novembre 2013

Human Beings, Evolution and the Tech Clothes

Inside a more extended discussion/reflection...
Truth is that "we never evolved". We dressed only "new different tech clothes".

All'interno di un discorso/una riflessione più estesa...
La verità è che "non ci siamo mai evoluti". Abbiamo solo indossato "panni tecnologici diversi".

martedì 29 ottobre 2013

The Albert Einstein's reply

"The important thing is not to stop questioning;
curiosity has its own reason for existing"
Albert Einstein

thanks International Space Station!!!

Co-creation Elements:
International Space Station photos

mercoledì 9 ottobre 2013

As a butterfly the light the knowledge for Humans

As a butterfly the light
the knowledge for Humans

As living beings the life
the consciousness for Humans

Come per una farfalla la luce
la conoscenza per gli esseri umani

Come per gli esseri viventi la vita
la coscienza per esseri umani

Co-creation elements:

The Dark Side of Education
ONE Organization:

Ku some words : ) (maybe a little poetry)

Virtual Arena and World Outside